How Much Investment Can You Really Make Working for MLM Herbalife?

Thinking of establishing your own business in Herbal Industry? We investigated on it for you that how much money can really make working for MLM Herbalife. We researched the herbal industry startups, industry experts, brands and connected with the companies for whom we are producing Herbal products as we are a well-established E-Commerce Food Supplement Manufacturer in India. Also, we have expert advisors in our team to help the businesses plan how much investment and quantity require to step up in the Herbalife industry.

Here’s what information we have to share with you.

How does Herbalife Works?

To become the top Herbalife Industry distributor, the Herbalife industry themselves suggest participation in three ways:

  • You can buy products at a discount for your own or household use.
  • You can sell products by buying them from the market distributors to make a retail profit.
  • You can recruit the best food supplier manufacturers in India who can provide the best price to manufacture the products for you.

They add that: “…nearly 86% of U.S. Distributorship (399,673) did not receive any earnings from Herbalife.”

Also Read : India’s Top Leading Herbal Product Manufacturing Company for MLM Business

Herbalife assumes that these people joined “…simply to receive a discount on Herbalife® products.” However, this assumption contrasts with the USA’s Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) settlement with Herbalife, which meant that Herbalife had to “pay $200 million to people who lost money trying to run an Herbalife business”. According to the FTC, this includes at least around 350,000 people.

Also, Herbalife products are allegedly overpriced:

“Herbalife’s retail pricing of its multi-vitamin is more than three times the price of comparable brand name products on the market.” Given this statement and expert reviews of their products (like this one), we, like the FTC, don’t believe that 86% of their distributors only signed up in the herbal industry for personal & household use.

Now Let us Discuss that How Much You Have to Invest in Starting the MLM Herbalife Business?

In order to explain to you about the investment and the amount you have to spend on starting Herbalife business. Let us talk about how the Herbalife industry doing in India and what’s the stats.

Indian Herbal Product Market is growing due to the people’s awareness about the natural ingredients & their impacts and projected that growth of the industry at a CAGR of 18% during the year 2019 to 2024.

This means if you made up your mind to invest in Herbalife Industry, then it’s high time to come into sight. And to make a plan of investment in the industry.

Cost Involved in becoming the herbal products best market distributor:

There are three types of investment you can do in the herbal industry:

  • Fixed Capital Investment
  • Working Capital Investment
  • Investment for Inventory

Fixed Capital Investment: For the fixed capital investment, you have to require fixed assets such as land, office, building, furniture, and equipment, etc.

Let’s check the fixed capital factors:

  • The location where you want to set up your shop
  • Land price if you have planned to buy / Rent the shop
  • Furniture establishment as per the needs
  • Machinery & Must Equipment costing
  • Other miscellaneous factors

If you have your own land or shop, then your fixed capital investments differ.

The fixed assets included:

  • Land
  • Shop/Building
  • Licenses and documentation expenses
  • Machinery
  • Laboratory Equipments
  • Electricity Supply
  • fitting Water Supply System
  • Compressed Air Supply
  • HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
  • System Airlock System

Also, you have needed Other requirements if you need them.

Working Capital Investment: Now, if you choose Working Capital Investment, then liquid assets like paying bills, salaries, loan installments, wages, advertisement & business promotion expenses, etc. If you want a working capital investment, you have to make sure that your company and the herbal firm start generating revenue and profile, which is enough to pay all the liquid assets of your Herbalife business.

Let’s check the Working Capital factors:

  • Rent of factory & office premises
  • Loan amount if you have taken any
  • Minimum wages are given at that area to workers
  • Number of workers and staff working in your office
  • Salary of technical and educated staff Marketing
  • Budget Cost of water, electricity, and other services
  • Other extra expenses factors

Now let us check the assets that help you grow your business and establish your brand in the herbal industry.

  • Technical Employee’s Salary
  • Non-Skilled worker’s wages
  • Office/Factory premises rent if any
  • Maintenance of the factory expenses
  • Bank loan EMI if any
  • Marketing Budget (Offline & Online)
  • Monthly Bills

Working Capital Investment will vary as per the company’s working conditions; sometimes it will be lesser, and sometimes it will be higher depends on the conditions.

We will suggest taking an estimate idea of the investment which will be good for you.

Investment for Inventory: The Investment for Inventory is somehow like working capital investment, but we can put it separately as it has the major importance for timely delivery. Inventory investment needed a manufacturing process following the advanced technology and the raw material.

Let’s check the investment for Inventory factors:

  • The herbal products manufacturing units
  • The raw material you have to purchase as per manufacturing units
  • The cost you have to invest in manufacturing each product
  • Other expenses

Also Read: Top 5 Marketing & Success Tips to Set up Your Own Herbalife Business


If you plan to launch your own brand, then Airen Herbal is ready to be your best brand growth source. We are known as the best E-Commerce Food Supplement Manufacturer in India and helping many brands to deliver the best quality herbal products in the market. Moreover, we have our own financial planners team to help you to make a startup investment plan for your business establishment in the herbal industry.

As we are the most promising Food Supplement Manufacturers in India, we are generating a huge number of herbal products for our clients, which are 100% natural and organic & quality tested also. So what are you waiting for? The best plan with the best E-Commerce Food Supplement Manufacturer in India to kickstart your business in the herbal industry is here ready for you.

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